
Scuba Diving in Bahamas - Shark Sightings! | Day 1 of 5 Day Black & White Photo Challenge!

Shark photography is not for the faint of heart...

This shark came so close to me that I could see the scratches on his skin! 

In San Salvador, we always saw at least a few reef sharks swimming gracefully along the reefs and walls of each dive site. 

Thank you Gishani Ratnayake for inviting me to the B&W challenge. This first image was taken in San Salvador, Bahamas where I met Gishani, another awesome underwater photographer.

The reefs are in good condition in San Salvador, and I can't wait to return to dive with Tyler Schultz of Michigan Adventure Diving again in search of the elusive hammerheads.

I would like to nominate Edmund K. Ie of Edmund Ie Photography to join the B&W photo challenge today, who is a scientist and former wedding photographer. 

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